Distance from Luton Airport - Journey Time
10 mins transfer
What is the airport transfer frequency?
On demand
What is the drop-off procedure?
Drive up to the barrier and take a ticket. Keep the ticket safe as you will need it on your return. Choose a space, lock your car and keep your keys.
What is the pick-up procedure?
Drive to the exit barrier and insert your ticket. Providing you have paid in advance and have no stayed for longer than your booking, the barrier will life to let you out. If you have over-stayed, the over-stay charge will display on the barrier and you will need to pay before the barrier will lift.
What security measures does the car park have?
Park Mark award, security patrols, CCTV, barrier, perimeter fence, flood lighting
What security measures does the car park have?
There are blue badge spaces available in all car parks and all buses are wheel-chair ready.
You will choose your parking space and keep your keys.
Don’t forget to take your booking confirmation either in print or on your phone.